Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Gots A Idea.

The stupidity of state and local governments never cease to amaze me sometimes.  When was the last time you were intimidated by a firetruck.  I don't know about you guys, but seeing a firetruck or ambulance parked on the side of the street wouldn't stop me from doing anything.  
But instead of you know, hiring more police officers, let's just take these lovely men and women who are trained and paid to fight fires and save lives, and use them as the friendly neighborhood watch dogs.  Except these watch dogs are sitting ducks.  People fear police for a reason.  They have authority, law, guns, tazers, and tear gas on their side.  What are they expecting EMS to do? Call the police.  How brilliant!   I had no idea that's what people do when they see suspicious activity! "It's to prevent things from bubbling up.  The idea is that if you have a fire engine with adults there no one is going to commit a crime," said D.C. Deputy Mayor Paul Quander.  Sometimes I have really stupid ideas too.  Except I keep them to myself.  This reminds me of those absolutely awful commercials you see on TV where you're sitting in your chair shaking your head, wondering how on Earth someone EVER got this published.  It's those times I just picture myself sitting in on this town hall meeting.

" we need to find a way to decrease street crime... Do we have any suggestions from the board?"
*man in suit raises his hand*
"We could increase the police force and delegate specific teams to patrol in high risk areas."
"Uh..does anyone else have any ideas?.."
*small child in the corner raises hand*
"I LOVE firetrucks."
"That's a GREAT idea! All in favor of sending them out to patrol our streets completely unarmed say aye!"
"Aye! (x9)"
"All oppose say nay!"
*gavel hits table*

People like this just need to stay home. All the time. Seriously.

1 comment:

Kid said...

I haven't seen a good idea from any form of government in 30 years.