Thursday, September 15, 2011

Funny. Kind of.

       Well. I mean I honestly shouldn't be surprised.  Is anyone else laughing? I mean honestly, actually laughing? Because I can't help it.  I mean this man has got to be the least qualified thing to step foot into the white house, including his dogs.  Really. I mean really?? He's BEGGING for people to help him pass this jobs bill? He may have said this in a ha-ha I'm kidding fashion. But I would bet fantastic amounts of money that in reality, he's not even close to kidding.

"If you love me, you got to help me pass this bill"  

I'm serious. I'm laughing out loud.
Well, hey man, just so you know, there are very few people left in this country that 'love' you. And those that do, are either deemed medically unfit to make any sort of decision, or as you would rather me put it (in politically correct form), have an "intellectual disability." 

These libtards are making absolute fools of themselves.  I don't have to go very far to find the thing, "fight the smears."  I might be delusional from doing 6 hours of paperwork, but all I can picture is Obama standing with a woman's apron on, armed with toilet bowl cleaner and his personal toothbrush gettin' ready to scrub the 'smears' out of the toilet bowl ...ahha.. I think I'm retar--oh sorry, I think I have an intellectual disability.  

It's becoming almost humorous, how obvious and how childish their tactics are.  It's like the little kid that got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, but still keeps denying that they had even known the existence of the cookies to begin with.  I would find it even more funny, if it weren't for the fact that I had to live with the consequences of his intellectual disability.

“I get fed up with that kind of game plan, and we’ve been seeing it for too long. Too long. We’re in a national emergency. We've been grappling with a crisis for three years, and instead of getting folks to rise up above partisanship in a spirit that says we’re all in this together, we got folks who are purposely dividing, purposely thinking just in terms of how does this play out just in terms of this election."

----AHEM. Wait. Did I just hear him admit that..wait. yup.  "We've been grappling with a crisis for three years"

Now I'm just getting this mental picture of an intellectually disabled dog chasing its tail.

This 'crisis' has a first name.

It's B-A-R-A-K.

That crisis has a second name.

It's O-B-A-M-A.

Feel free to switch out crisis with bologna.  It actually still works perfectly.

......Okay, okay I'm done with the slapstick wise cracking..... for now.


Kid said...

Imagine being one of the people who actually Still support this imbecile.

Kincsem said...

Oh, you mean intellectually disabled?

Kid said...

The professionals call it mental disease :)


Hack said...

Excellent post! You had me laughing out loud for real.