Side note: I saw Hack's post after I wrote this, if you haven't seen that video he posted, please watch it.
Also, I sincerely apologize for posting so sparsely, I'm hoping I will get the chance to pick this back up on a regular basis.
This year it seems different to me. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because I've followed politics a little closer. Maybe it's because I've grown up a little bit. I was no where near the attacks. I don't even know anyone who was near them. I won't pretend that I even slightly know what that day was like for thousands of people. The thought alone of what they went through is enough to make me tear up. All of them. The people on the plane, knowing they're going to die, calling their loved ones to say goodbye. The person on the other end of the phone in complete shock, shaken with the most helpless feeling anyone could ever imagine. The people in the Pentagon. The heroic teamwork of the people on that plane that crashed in Pennsylvania before the terrorists could finish their plan.
The people trapped on the top floors of the WTC. The people in wheelchairs who had no hope of getting down, and their friends, who stayed on the top floor WITH THEM. The firefighters. The policemen. The medics and the EMTs. The people running in who never came out. The sound of people hitting the concrete as they're jumping from the top floors of two of the tallest skyscrapers in New York.
The people watching those towers fall, knowing that their loved one has just been completely obliterated. Watching them die. The more I really, really, honestly think about it, it's so gut wrenchingly horrifying that it makes me feel nauseous. After the attacks, for a short time, America was one nation. Under God. Indivisible. People angry, striving for JUSTICE. That day, God probably heard more from us than He'd heard in a long, long time. Those attacks not only traumatized an entire city, but has literally affected every person in the nation. We all have a degree of paranoia; you can't tell me you don't think about it when you see a plane flying lower than usual.
New York will NEVER forget. NEVER. They can't. Those two monumental towers that not one person could ever, or would, imagine them falling. Not to mention now they have to look at a mosque being built right next to it. It's downright insulting, almost like a flag of the Muslims, like we conquered this. They have to see it every day. But what about the rest of us. The people who had nothing to do with it. Most of us forgot, aside from the 9/11 anniversary, where we watch the heart wrenching specials on TV and the speeches. Blah blah blah. Politics come back in and we're fighting each other again. If you want to remember, just look at the pictures. Pictures say a thousand words...why? Because it's like freezing time. In a situation like 9/11, you will see people for who they are. You will see a situation for what it really is. You can look at the surroundings and take everything in as if God pressed pause in the middle of an explosion. The sorrow, the anger, the shock, the despair. And you know what. THEY LAUGHED. They celebrated. They danced on the street. Does that not make you want to take down every last one of those God-forsaken evil people.
This is why we fight. It's that kind of thing that makes me want to join the military and kick some butt. Protect the innocent, fighting for justice, fighting for freedom. Not just for us, but for others too. It may sound cliche, but minus the politics of it all, that's exactly what we do. God bless our troops. Every single soldier, whether they are in combat or not. They sacrifice their time, their peace of mind, months of their life, sometimes years, to protect this country and the people in it. Many of them come back, but their heart never leaves the middle east. Shame on ANYONE who disrespects these men and women. The people who protest the military in any way make me so sick. I cannot describe the anger; how ignorant, how stupid, how blind could you possibly be. I bet if their family was stuck in that tower that day, no, I GUARANTEE you if their family was stuck in that tower, they'd think differently.
Sigh. I digress. A sincere thank you, to our military, for fighting for our freedom, for your freedom, and for the freedom of people you don't even know; and thank you to our firefighters, our paramedics, and our police officers for keeping us safe at home. God bless every one of you.
Not much to add to that. God bless you.
Thank you, you as well. :)
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